dancing kitten with headphones

i collect CDs. i like them a lot

i like physical media. not only is it nice to know that the content you paid for isn't going anywhere (as we are in the age of subscription services where you don't actually own anything), being able to hold something you love in your hands is just neat. also, you get more than just the music itself when you buy a CD, you get the lyric booklets and the back and inside cover graphics and even the disc itself often has a design. it's great.

admittedly, i use spotify a lot more than my CDs, but that's just because it's more convenient. mainly due to the fact that i don't pay for my premium lmfao i'd probably go back to the good ol' MP3 player if i were the one paying for spotify premuim. fuck them prices. i could buy like 3 CDs a month for how much a spotify premium plan is. that's a horrible comparison but i'm sure 3 CDs a month would add up pretty damn quick.

my CDs :)

ok i'm in the process of totally redoing this site as i've gotten. So Many More CDs since i've last updated this page. work started on dec. 6, 2024. who knows how long it'll take for me to do what i wanna do here (a picture of each album's cover with a little expandable blurb to go along with it). once i get all my albums in here, i'll organize them based off release date bc thats how my stuff's sorted irl, but for now i'm just slapping shit down haha.

so much for the afterglow, everclear

so much for the afterglow, everclear

more text for image clipping reasons

my CD player!!!

cd player

look at her. oh my god. she's so fucking COOL!!! i got her off of facebook marketplace for $20. insane deal. i haven't been able to find much information about this player online, so i don't know how much it was originally worth, but it looks like it could be expensive. i dunno. other vertically opening CD players i've looked at have been mega expensive.

i also don't know exactly which year she was produced, but the sticker on her front dates to 2003!!! may not be an accurate guess of how old she is, but. whatevs.

the little thingy at the bottom that has the pause/play controls flips out to sit like that, it folds flat into the player. neato right :3

this picture will be replaced once i get my shit together and organize my current setup, because i have a loft bed now and she's under it on the bed's built in desk. she's next to my CRT TV, which i will either show off here or make a seperate page for other peices of physical media.
idk yet.
i'm rambling bc i need to take up space due to some fucky clipping issues with this pic lol.